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"I'M A SPIRITUAL ARTIST. I'LL Help You Design Your Dream Life, Build Your Dream Brand around Your GREATEST TALENT, AND Rebirth A New You." - GLH

(Continues to Full Site + Golden Key)
Spiritual Artist, Magician & Sonic Therapist based in South Australia.
Thought Leader within the subjects of: The Art of Rebirth, Spiritual Entrepreneurship, and Lifestyle Design.
*Grace Lion-Hunter, Minister of the Arts: Owner of The Wise Serpent Group in Australia.
Grace is discipled in the Teachings of Jesus (ישוע), celebrating & demonstrating the Revelation of The Collective Now Freedom: • Freedom of Speech (Colourful, Poetic), • Freedom of Action (Artistic, Prophetic) • Freedom of Thought (spotless, renewal of the mind) governed by & filtered through the 2 leading commandments of Jesus: 1) Love The Creator & Life with everything you've got, and 2) Love your Neighbour as if they are your Self. Grace brands himself primarily as a Spiritual Artist, a Magician (Abracadabra means "I create that which I speak"), Sonic Therapist & Life Designer. He is an outreach Christian Minister & Kingdom Light Worker, Pastor & Teacher @ Spirit Church (Open Eden: Church without Walls, Church of the Breath) + Wise Serpent Ministries (Arts Ministry) & Wise Serpent Dream (Artist Consulting Agency). His mission/vision is to create a positive shift in AUS youth culture (& beyond) through Music, Art, Wisdom.
Exploring the #artofrebirth through MUSIC, ART, WISDOM.

Spiritual Artist, Magician & Sonic Therapist based in South Australia.
(Continues to Full Site + Golden Key)